Voyage Store

  • Payment terms: We accept PayPal ONLY.
  • Shipping: Orders are shipped from Hong Kong by registered air mail. Reliable shipping is available through SpeedPost.
  • Shipping charges are estimated and only accurate for single item order. Actual shipping cost will be quoted from in order confirmation email. Customer can contact us for more accurate shipping rate before placing order.
  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice. Purchase multiple items may enjoy discount. Contact us for quotation.
  • All Products are offered subject to remaining unsold.
  • Orders may be rejected for any reason. Any prepayments will be refunded to the customer in this case.
  • Orders Status: Pre-order items usually applies for new arrival products which are usually with limited stock. Backorder items are currently out of stocks and requires some lead time to fill up the inventory again. No stock status means the item is currently out of stock and has yet to order from suppliers.
  • Prices exclude tax / duty, which may be collected by your postal service.
  • All orders are subject to terms and conditions from Voyage Design and Consultants.
Shopping Instructions:
  1. Add item to shopping cart. Estimated shipping charge will be added automatically.
  2. Click Checkout and enter shipping information. Please make sure your email and shipping address is correct.
  3. Click Submit Order button to place your order.
  4. You will receive an acknowledgement of your order placement by email immediately. After we have calculated the actual shipping charge, we will send you an order confirmation by email indicating the total price of your order.
  5. Send Paypal payment to after receiving the order confirmation.
  6. The order will be shipped usually on the same day the payment being recevied.
For large volume order, please send sales query to

Please note that the store is now running in limited resource on order processing. There will be some delay to recieve order confirmation and shipping. Thank you for your patient and attention.